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God's Call for the Employee Ephesians 6:5-8

You may feel like a slave at work. Or, perhaps you treat others in that way thinking, I am in command. They work for me, and they have to do what I say! But, the key to this passage is the attitude we are to have, that of looking to Christ as our employer so we do our work for Him. Therefore, we are to be our best for His glory, regardless of our circumstances (Rom. 8:17; Phil. 2:1-11).

Our ultimate authority and manager is Christ Himself! We show our value–that Christ paid a price for us–so, we in turn can respond with a good work ethic (1 Cor. 7:23). We must adjust our mindset to see work as an opportunity to please Him, and in so doing, be a blessing to those around us.

As an employee we are called to Diligence! This allows us to operate with our best for Christ’s highest with excitement and passion in order to complete our work and call from the Lord. It is practical obedience, which is the loving of our call and the pursuing of our work so we are doing our best for His glory (Prov. 10:4; Rom. 12:11; Colossians 3:23)

Here are some more Scriptures about being an employee: Exodus 23:12; 35:2; Proverbs 10:26; 25:13; Ecclesiastes 2:4; 5:12; Colossians 3:17,22-25; 2 Thessalonians 3:10; 1 Timothy 6:2; Titus 2:9,10; 1 Peter 2: 18-20

Work, job or vocation is a word we use to start to describe what we do in life, vocation has its root from the Latin verb “to call;” thus, our vocation and job is actually a calling, similar to a minister. So we need to understand its role and significance in our life and how we are to be in our vocation as well as what it means in our walk with our Lord.

Let us venture into God’s Word and see what He has to say about what we do during the week. What and why we have work and what we are to do in that vocation and how we respond to others around us.

The following passages are arranged so you can spend some time in the Word, which will help you to develop a biblical attitude of work. Also, several thoughts based on scriptural insights are provided for you to pray about to nudge yourself into being a better person at work.

You may discover what we do is not as important as how we do it!

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